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Djeeni Names

In Djeeni you work with worksheets, ranges, cells, lists of worksheets from workbooks, lists of rows/columns on worksheets. Just like Excel, Djeeni allows you to name all of them. Actually, naming your worksheets, lists and if sections is compulsory as names make your process much more logical and readable. It is much easier to say and read:

  • copy the Summary section of the ERP Report worksheet to the Bottom line section of the Consolidation worksheet; than
  • copy range D234:D245 on \\server\finance\analysis\erp_exports\report202001.xlsx workbook Sheet1 worksheet to range starting from B25 on \\server\finance\consolidations\year2020\consolidation202001.xlsx workbook ERP data worksheet

Please note that in Djeeni you work always with worksheets (and not workbooks). Every worksheet has a physical location in a workbook that can be found in some folder of the computer or network. Once this location is specified in the WSheet Use process step you can simply refer to this worksheet throughout your process by its Djeeni name. Using WSheet Use has one more advantage. If the location of the workbook or the Excel name of the worksheet is changed you only have to change WSheet Use to refer to the new location and/or worksheet name and your process is running again.

Rules, best practice

Djeeni names

  • can contain letters (a-z, A-z), numbers (0-9), underscore (_), dash (-) and question mark (? - Useful for naming if sections);
  • must contain at least 5 characters;
  • no space or other characters are allowed;
  • must identify each and every object uniquely i.e., not just two worksheets but also a worksheet and a range must have different Djeeni names. This rule applies also within a workbook, row or column list. For example, it is not allowed to use WSheet Use inside a workbook list without WSheet Release in the same workbook list to give space for the next worksheet in the loop with the same Djeeni name.

To improve the readability of the process it is recommended (but not compulsory) to start all Djeeni names with 2 characters identifying the element named:

If you name a Start with Example
Worksheet ws wsERPReport
Range rg rgSummary
Cell ce ceDateFound
Condition if ifEmpty?
WBook List wl wlCountryData
Row List rl rlDepartments
Column List cl clMonths

If you follow this recommendation please apply it both for the Djeeni name parameter in WSheet Use and later when you refer to the worksheet in cell or range references.