In the previous section, we have learned how to identify worksheets. The next step is to access data on a worksheet.
In MS Excel a cell (let it be C5) on a worksheet is accessed by specifying the containing workbook and worksheet followed by the column letter and row number:
In Djeeni you have to first identify the worksheet by its Djeeni name in the WSheet Use process step. After that reaching the cell is simply
where wsMyReport is the Djeeni name of the worksheet. Ranges (for example from A2 to G4) also follow the MS Excel convention by separating the top-left and bottom-right cells of the range with a colon:
[C:\folder\to\my\worksheet\myReport.xlsx]Sheet1!A2:G4 'MS Excel wsMyReport!A2:G4 - 'Djeeni
MS Excel uses the $ notation to prevent formulas to change their cell references when copied or moved from one cell to another (e.g. $F7,T$23). In Djeeni, cells are referenced using the above Djeeni notation that does not require and also does not allow $. Never use $ in any cell reference within Djeeni.
To set the value of a cell the process step Cell Set (under category Range / Cell) can be used. The value can be a formula letting Djeeni calculate the final value of the cell. The simplest example is set a cell (take C3 on the worksheet identified as wsOutput) to a literal value:
Cell Set Cell: wsOutput!C3 Value: 3 'number Cell Set Cell: wsOutput!C3 Value: Some Text 'text Cell Set Cell: wsOutput!C3 Value: 30-4-1969 'date
Let's take another example: there is a source data worksheet (identified as wsInput) and the task is to set cell C5 on the target data worksheet (identified as wsOutput) to the value of B4 of wsInput:
Cell Set Cell: wsOutput!C5 Value: [$wsInput!B4]
Note that you need not to use the = sign to get the value of cell B4 on wsInput. But the cell is referenced through Djeeni so [$ … ] should be used to denote that. This is called a Djeeni formula.
A useful process step is Timestamp that sets a cell to the actual timestamp. Only the target cell must be specified.
When it is about data manipulation, an MS Excel user gets sooner than later to the famous VLOOKUP function family that performs the combination of two operations:
and is limited in:
Djeeni makes looking up cells and then working with them simpler yet much more powerful than MS Excel. The process step Cell Lookup performs the first part of VLOOKUP and finds a cell that contains the specified value. When the cell is found it will be remembered by naming it. Using this Djeeni name of the cell at a later step allows you to relate any other cell /range to the found one and perform whatever operation you want.
Cell Lookup Djeeni name: ceEmployee Value: [=wsReport!C2] Range: $wsEmployees!B1:E#RowEnd Cell Set Cell: wsSalaries!D6 Value: $wsEmployees![+[#ceEmployee|column]+1][#ceEmployee|row]
You can use the found cell in many ways (let's use ceFound as the Djeeni name of the found cell):
[#ceFound|cell] 'refers to the found cell as Worksheet!ColumnRow 'can be used at any cell reference providing 'either the value or the location depending on the context [#ceFound|row] 'the row number of the found cell [#ceFound|column] 'the column letter of the found cell
How would you insert the same value to a whole range? In MS Excel you can select the range, enter the value in one of the cells and press Ctrl+Enter. In Djeeni you can use the process step Range Set to achieve the same. Range Set works much like Cell Set:
Range Set Range: wsOutput!C3:D5 Value: 3 'number Range Set Range: wsOutput!C3:D5 Value: Some Text 'text Range Set Range: wsOutput!C3:D5 Value: 30-4-1969 'date
Example: The input data source (wsYearlySell) contains dates from a certain year in months (column B) and day (column C) format. The data must be added to a multi-year summary sheet. Before adding the dates they must be completed by the year part (in Column D)
Range Set Range: wsYearlySell!D2:D[#RowEnd|C] Value: 2021
Note how the range was specified using a Djeeni formula to match the already entered days in Column C
One of the most used data manipulation steps is to copy/move a range from one location to another. Djeeni has the Copy/Move Range to process step to carry out this operation, including the options that are provided by MS Excel itself. It can be specified if the range is coped or moved; if it overwrites the target range or will be inserted; and if only values or also formatting and formulas must be copied/moved.