Download and Activate Djeeni

Follow this video or these instructions:

  1. Get your Djeeni app here. After that, you are automatically directed to the download page.
  2. Click on the Download Djeeni button. Djeeni is downloaded to your computer in the form of an MS Excel Workbook.
  3. Move the downloaded file from the Download folder to its final folder on your computer.
  4. Start Djeeni by double-clicking on the file. You must have MS Excel installed on your computer.
  5. Click on the 'Enable Editing' and on the 'Enable Content' or 'Enable Macros' buttons
  6. Djeeni displays the Activation popup window. Go to your email box and check the Activation mail that you've got from Djeeni. This email contains the activation code
  7. Copy or enter the activation code into Djeeni
  8. You get a confirmation that Djeeni is activated
  9. That's it!