WBook New

Note: This process step is obsolete and will be removed from later versions of Djeeni. You can create a new workbook using the WSheet Use process step

You can create new target workbooks during the execution of the Djeeni process. This step also automatically creates one worksheet in the new workbook and assigns it a Djeeni name. The named worksheet can then be used further in the process. This process step has the following parameters:

  • Worksheet Djeeni name (optional): this name identifies the chosen worksheet of the new workbook during the Djeeni process. If this parameter is omitted then the worksheet will be automatically released after the creation and you will not be able to access it in the Djeeni process.
  • Using template (folder and filename) (optional): if the template file is given then the new workbook will be created using the template file (with one or more worksheets)
  • Folder name (e.g. C:\Finance\myFolder) (optional): If this parameter is not specified then Djeeni creates the new workbook in the folder where the Djeeni client is placed.
  • Filename (without filetype/extension): The name of the workbook in the file system without the extension (.xls/.xslx).
  • Filetype / Extension: The extension at the end of the filename (.xls/.xslx).
  • Workbook action: Different scenarios can be specified for already existing and non-existing workbooks.
    • Exists: Use as is / Not exists: Create: If the workbook already exists then Djeeni does not complain but start to use it. Otherwise, the workbook is created. Useful for workbooks that collect accumulated data. This setting is not allowed inside of WBook, Row and Column Lists.
    • Exists: Use as is / Not exists: Error: If the workbook already exists then Djeeni does not complain but start to use it. Otherwise, an error is generated and the Djeeni process stops. This behaviour is equivalent to the process step WSheet Use.
    • Exists: Delete and Re-create / Not Exists: Create: Existing workbook is re-created; non-existing workbook will be created. Useful if the process should create a new, clean version every time (e.g. daily report) and the old version is not needed anymore.
    • Exists: Error / Not exists: Create: Non-existing workbook will be created but existing one will not be overwritten. The most common case when the old version of the workbook must also be kept.
  • Worksheet Excel name (optional): The Excel name of the chosen worksheet in the workbook. If not specified then the first worksheet of the workbook is chosen (Sheet1).

Example: During the process, we create a new target workbook for the actual monthly budget based on a template located at c:\finance\templates\monthlyBudgetTemplate.xlsx and place it into the folder c:\finance\budget\2018 with name Jan2018.xlsx. The file is kept for further operations by specifying a Djeeni name.

Note: The filename that you can set can be specified using easy-to-use but powerful extended Djeeni Formula.